Thursday, December 21, 2006

Whiny me

Ok, I'm having a rotten year.

This last year was filled with me finally finding a job in March, only to be unable to work in May when I found out I had kidney stones (yet again), and had to go in for surgery. Darn Mountain Dew! I love it, but my body doesn't process all the sugars in it. Guess I'll need to switch to coffee.

Then, in June, my live-in boyfriend (whose income was the only income in the house)fell at work and was fired so the company could try to fight workers compensation. We FINALLY got them to start paying at the end of July, but by then we were so far behind in bills and rent that we decided to move in with my parents till I could find a job and we could pay back the people we've had to borrow from and pay down the bills we owe.

I still haven't been able to find work, and living with my parents, however generous it is for them to let us stay here, is less than ideal.

Then last week, just before my boyfriend was supposed to go for surgery through workers comp. they decide that he's not injured (YEAH right!) and that they aren't paying. So now we have to find another way to get his surgery paid for, plus pay for painkillers, or wait for 9 months to a year before his lawyer can get a court date.

Then, about an hour ago, I found that our phone is disconnected. His workers comp. was paying for the phone bill, so I guess they are going to be off for awhile, as I can't even afford to go to the laundrymat, much less pay $80 for the phones to get turned back on.

Sorry this is so whiny, I'm just ready for this year to be over. Hopefully next year will be better. The only thing that hasn't happened this year is that he and I are still together. If that is the only bad thing that happens next year I will be fine.

1 comment:

Tiffany Todd said...

Hey there!
I'm on the writing mother and I noticed your blog link. So I came to visit. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time this year. My hubby and I have had many years like that but it has gotten better. Have faith that it will girl and keep your head up.