Sunday, March 4, 2007


It's time to party! The Ultimate Blog Party started March 2nd over at 5 Minutes for Mom!

Welcome to the party! Drinks and goodies are on the table to your selection to your right! Don't mind the kids running around, I can't get them to bed when there's a party going on!

Ok, so I'm supposed to introduce myself. Anyone that's read any of my previous posts already knows I'm single! WOO HOO!!

I'm gonna be 30 in April. I've decided to either go out and drink or hide under the covers. Not quite sure which yet!

I have 2 boys, ages 8 and 6, who are the world to me. Both mama's boys, sensitive and sweet. Let's just hope they stay that way. My 6 year old wants to audition for American Idol. I hate to pull a Simon...but he's not good! Sorry hun, keep practicing!

Whatelse, whatelse? Bear with me, I'm working on getting over a horrific cold and can't breathe out of my nose.

Hmmm...well, due to health issues on my part, and complete selfishness on my ex's part, we ended up moving in with my parents in August of '06. While things are getting better, I still am not in a positive to move out again. I don't want to end up right back here again. While I'm grateful for their I want a place of my own again! After being gone for so long, to end up back with my parents wasn't a setback a was looking forward to. At least it's making me sure that I have everything set so when the kids and I move again, we are stable enough to make it if I lose work again.

So...Welcome to the party! Leave a comment so I know you were here! Have a ball!


Monkey Giggles said...

Swinging in for the party...It was nice meeting you.

My second Party Gift give-away has begun come on over when you get a chance.


jodifur said...

Saying hi from the party. I'm party hopping.

Aisling said...

My 15 year old wants to audition for one of the Uk equivelants, and he's not THAT good either.

Jen and family said...

Hi nice to meet you
Hope youre getting better
visit me at

Brandie said...

Hello! I'm here for the party!
Dh and I just moved out of his grandparents house with our three kids. Although we loved them, and never had problems living with them, we needed our own space, so I can understand what you are going through. Hang in there though! When the time comes, you may be a bit sad - as I am now. I'll miss seeing them every day, but it will be very joyful when you get your place as well! =)